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IFFA 2022 | May 14th - 19th, 2022 in Frankfurt | Germany

 I F F A  2 0 2 2

May 14th - 19th, 2022 in Frankfurt | Germany
hall 11.1 | booth #C31

About IFFA

With over 1,000 exhibitors from 49 countries, IFFA is the world’s leading trade fair and international meeting place for the sector. 70 % of visitors and 63 % of exhibitors come from outside Germany. Top marks for IFFA: 95 % of all visitors say they are satisfied (all figures refer to 2019).

The World’s Leading Trade Fair – Technology for Meat and Alternative ProteinsIFFA covers the entire market for processing, packaging and selling of meat and alternative proteins. Thus offering the global food industry a platform for innovation and networking.
